Exhibitions not to be missed in Paris in 2025
Category : Hotel Corona Rodier

The new year promises to be full of discoveries, with a selection of exhibitions not to be missed in Paris in 2025!
Suzanne Valadon at the Centre Pompidou
Suzanne Valadon, ‘La Chambre bleue’, 1923 - Public domain - Photo credit: Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Jacqueline Hyde/Dist. GrandPalaisRmn
Some 200 works, drawings and paintings - the artist's two favourite media - are divided into five thematic sections, tracing the singular career of Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938) from her early days as a favourite model of the Montmartre crowd to her early recognition as an artist by her peers and critics. Bold, ostensibly modern, and on the fringes of the dominant trends of her time, Valadon chose to paint reality and to represent the body without artifice or voyeurism. She was the first woman to paint a large-format frontal male nude. [Centre Pompidou text]
At the Centre Pompidou
From 15 January to 26 May 2025
Information and bookings
Revoir Cimabue, the origins of Italian painting at the Musée du Louvre
Cimabue, Majesty of the Holy Trinity, 1290-1300, tempera on panel, 385×223 cm, Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Public domain image
For the first time, the Musée du Louvre is devoting an exhibition to Cimabue, one of the most important artists of the 13th century. The exhibition is the result of two major Cimabuesque events for the museum: the restoration of the Maestà and the acquisition of a previously unseen panel by Cimabue, La Dérision du Christ, rediscovered in France in 2019 and classified as a National Treasure. [text Musée du Louvre]
At the Louvre Museum
From 22 January to 12 May 2025
Information and bookings
Au fil de l'Or at the Musée du Quai Branly
« Au fil de l’or. L’art de se vêtir de l’Orient au Soleil-Levant », Paris
From the Maghreb to Japan, a fabulous journey through time and space, discovering the mysterious and fascinating origins of gold and its marriage with the textile arts.
From the earliest ornaments sewn onto the clothes of the dead to the flamboyant dresses of contemporary Chinese artist Guo Pei that punctuate the entire exhibition, from the gold-woven silks of the Indian and Indonesian worlds to the glittering kimonos of the Edo era, the exhibition unfolds the thousand-year history of gold in the textile arts. In a dialogue combining scientific discovery and artistic perspective, it reveals the dazzling beauty, diversity, technicality and richness of costumes from a vast region stretching from the Maghreb to Japan, via the countries of the Middle East, India and China. [text musée du Quai Branly]
At the Quai Branly Museum
From 11 February to 06 July 2025
Information and bookings
Picasso and the Douanier Rousseau at the Atelier des Lumières
Photo : Culturespaces / C. de la Motte Rouge
For the new year 2025, the Atelier des Lumières returns with two new exhibitions:
PICASSO l’art en mouvement
A genius painter, sculptor, engraver, ceramist and theatre set designer, his many creative processes and insatiable thirst for creation weave together a journey that brings together images of works, photos and videos, to experience the boundless energy of an artist who has never stopped reinventing his art. A retrospective projected onto the walls of the Atelier des Lumières invites us to observe the various techniques that the artist has explored: engraving, sculpture, paper and glue, assemblages, folding and ceramics. [text by Atelier des Lumières]
LE DOUANIER ROUSSEAU au pays des rêves
The latest creation from the Atelier des Lumières takes you back to the first steps of naive art in France. Spontaneous, dreamlike, sometimes childlike, this new approach to painting is embodied in the works of Henri Rousseau. At the end of the 19th century, this self-taught painter and pioneer of naive art drew his inspiration from detailed observations of vegetation and animals from elsewhere, from the greenhouses and menagerie of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. [text by Atelier des Lumières]
At the Atelier des Lumières
From 14 February to 29 June 2025
Information and bookings
Disco at the Philharmonie de Paris
Photo : philharmoniedeparis.fr
Born in the United States in the early 1970s, disco music quickly became a global phenomenon. This exhibition goes against clichés to do justice to the dazzling force of this music, which is deeply rooted in the history and culture of black America and is the heir to soul, gospel and funk. A collection of audiovisual archives, photographs, instruments and costumes underlines the political and festive dimension of this music, which has brought different minorities and social classes to the dancefloor, all united in a single hedonistic impulse. Accompanied by a soundtrack mixed by Dimitri from Paris, the exhibition emphasises the aesthetic that disco inspired in artists and designers. [text Philharmonie de Paris]
Philharmonie de Paris
From 14 February to 25 August 2025
Information and bookings
L’Art est dans la Rue at the Musée d'Orsay
Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923) - La Rue, 1896 - © Bibliothèque nationale de France
‘Art is in the Street’ is the Musée d'Orsay's first exhibition devoted to the spectacular development of the illustrated colour poster at the end of the 19th century.
Through a unique collection of works by the ‘Masters of the Poster’, it shows how this medium was elevated ‘to the rank of mural painting’, in the words of art critic Roger Marx. This plunge into the golden age of the illustrated poster also looks at the rise of consumerism and mass culture, of which the poster was both a vector and a symptom. Drawings, objets d'art, photographs and paintings evoke the effervescent world of the street during the Belle Époque, whose image posters helped to shape. [Musée d'Orsay text]
At the Musée d'Orsay
From 18 March to 06 July 2025
Information and bookings
Niki de Saint Phalle, Jean Tinguely, Pontus Hultén at the Grand Palais
Le Crocodrome de Zig et Puce © Centre Pompidou, 1977 ; Illustration : Jean Tinguely © ADAGP, Paris, 1977 et Niki de Saint-Phalle © Niki Charitable Art Foundation / ADAGP, Paris, 2024
The exhibition retraces the prolific career of these two artists through the figure of Pontus Hulten (1924 - 2006), the first director of the Musée national d'art moderne at the Centre Pompidou, who shared their conception of disruptive, multidisciplinary and participatory art. Throughout his career, he gave unconditional support to Saint Phalle and Tinguely, acquiring works, organising retrospectives, giving them carte blanche and supporting extraordinary projects such as the gigantic Nana Hon - en Katedral (1966) at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, the exhibition Le Crocrodrome de Zig et Puce (1977) in the Forum at the Centre Pompidou, and La Fontaine Stravinsky (1983) at the foot of the building. [text Grand Palais]
At the Grand Palais
From 06 June 2025 to 04 January 2026
Information and bookings
Enjoy your visit to 2025!
Front page image: Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923) - La Rue, 1896 - © Bibliothèque nationale de France
Editorial staff: Amandine Goetz